Welcome Note

Booking Rooms


Welcome to our BUE Library Booking System where you can reserve rooms either to study, research or work as a team for a project.

The group study rooms (total of 21) are reserved for students only for a maximum of 2 hours per day. This is to give an equal opportunity for our students to get its maximum benefit. Each room is equipped with a table (or 2), chairs, a screen and network connection. The rooms are different in their sizes so they can fit from 6-12 users.


The Study carrels (total of 11) are reserved for researchers only for a maximum of 3 hours per day. Each is equipped with an office,  drawer and network connection.

All the rooms can be reserved through our Booking System.


·       Group Study, First floor (11 rooms: A-K)

·       Group Study, Lower floor (10 rooms: L-T)

·       Study Carrels, Second floor (11 rooms: C1-C11)



Use our online tool to book study rooms in the library.